Audrey Rindlisbacher Podcast

Audrey Rindlisbacher Podcast

Hosted by: Audrey Rindlisbacher

There is truth. We can learn it, live it, and be liberated by it. Join me and other truth seekers in a quest to have the truth make us free.

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EP 49: 12 Characteristics of True Principles, Part 1

We live in a world of relativism--my truth and your truth, rather than THE truth. Yet, as mission driven moms, we are striving to build principle-centered hearts and homes. This is no easy task, especially when we've...
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EP 48: Knowing Principles Won’t Save You

In our attempts to build principle-centered homes, sometimes we are tempted to think that if we could just find and teach our children true principles, we'd be home free! Unfortunately, that's not how it works.  The...
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EP 47: Ideas Rule the World

If you were asked what rules the world, what would you say?  Money, politicians, scientists? Incredibly, what really rules the world is none of these, but an intangible entity: ideas. From ancient Greece to the French...
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EP 46: 5 Principles I Live By

For many years Audrey and her family have been pursuing principle-centered living. It is a journey that has been bumpy but rewarding. Through all of the books, all the experiences and all the trial and error, a few...
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EP 45: What’s Your Intention?

"When our motives are wrong, nothing else can be right." ~Stephen R. Covey Why is this? Why do our motives and intentions matter so much? Why is it that even when an individual seems to be doing all the right things,...
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EP 44: Principles Stink!

At The Mission Driven Mom, we are empowering moms with principles and purpose. We know that God in His wisdom created a world run by immutable natural laws. We know that true principles flow from these natural laws....
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EP 43: Meeting Life With Nonviolent Resistance

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. turned the world upside down in the 1960's with his revolutionary approach to the problem of racial segregation. His method, "nonviolent resistance," had produced amazing results in India....
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EP 42: Mission Driven Stories: C.S. Lewis

You probably already know all about C.S. Lewis' incredible writings like The Narnia Series and The Screwtape Letters. You may also be aware that he was once an atheist and eventually converted not only to theism but...
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EP 41: Insights On Discernment

Do you ever feel confused about who or what to believe?  News articles, sound bites and competing voices can leave your head spinning.  If you have felt this, you’re not alone.  As mothers, we desire greater...
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EP 40: Who Are You?

Have you ever considered that the way you talk to yourself about yourself might actually not be true? Have you ever caught yourself speaking about yourself in reference to a fault or weakness like, "I'm not good with...
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EP 39: Thoughts On Liberty

With the 4th of July just around the corner, it's a good time to reflect on the liberties we enjoy. It's important that as mothers raising the next generation, we work hard to understand our national heritage, our...
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EP 38: Claim Your Blessings!

As mission driven moms, we need all the help we can get! Sometimes, though, it can feel as if we are limping along and barely making it. How do we get the help we need? In this podcast, Audrey shares the TRUE story of...
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