Audrey Rindlisbacher Podcast

Audrey Rindlisbacher Podcast

Hosted by: Audrey Rindlisbacher

There is truth. We can learn it, live it, and be liberated by it. Join me and other truth seekers in a quest to have the truth make us free.

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EP 37: Meet Our Team: Audrey Rindlisbacher

Join Lindsey Wright, MDM board member, as she interviews Audrey Rindlisbacher, founder and CEO of The Mission Driven Mom.  Listen to this episode to hear about the first inklings of The Mission Driven Mom, Audrey’s...
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EP 36: The Fear of Knowing

As mothers in a modern Information Age, we are inundated with information from every direction. Yet, very little of this "information" is truly valuable to us and our families. As mission driven moms, our job becomes...
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EP 35: Mission Driven Stories: Clara Barton

“She will never assert herself for herself—she will suffer wrong first—but for others she will be perfectly fearless…Throw responsibility upon her.” Mr. Fowler of the young Clara Barton Young Clara Barton struggled...
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EP 34: When Bad Things Happen to Good People

Life is a series of ups and downs. Sometimes we feel on the top of the world and sometimes we feel like not one more thing could possibly go wrong. But then there are also those trials in life that blindside...
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EP 33: Meet Our Team: Tracie Hyde

Meet Tracie Hyde, board member and Director of Events at The Mission Driven Mom.  Join Audrey Rindlisbacher as Tracie shares with Audrey her experiences in the Middle East and what she learned from insightful mothers...
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EP 32: Charlotte Mason on the Power of Natural Law

"As for this superior morality of some non-believers, supposing we grant it, what does it amount to? Just to this, that the universe of mind, as the universe of matter, is governed by unwritten laws of God...
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EP 31: Mission Driven Stories: David Green

Born into humble circumstances, the son of a devoted pastor, David Green realized early on that he possessed a knack for retail, yet as with all truly mission driven individuals, those around him questioned the...
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EP 30: Principles of Addiction In Action

When trying to resolve a problem with one of your children, have you ever felt something wasn't quite right but weren’t sure how to discern what was really going on? Have you sometimes questioned yourself, your...
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EP 29: What Garden Is Inside You?

“All you’ve got to do is plant that seed in your mind, care for it, work steadily toward your goal, and it will become a reality. It not only will, there’s no way that it cannot.”~Earl Nightingale Jenny Butchart...
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EP 28: Meet Our Team: Julie Greenman

Meet Julie Greenman, board member and Director of Public Relations at The Mission Driven Mom.  Join Audrey Rindlisbacher as Julie shares with Audrey her personal journey to learning to love God and self, how the...
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EP 27: Mothers – The Bulwark of Morality

“I have nowhere seen woman occupying a loftier position; and if I were asked, now that I am drawing to the close of this work, in which I have spoken of so many important things done by the Americans, to what the...
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EP 26: Finding Principles in Scripture

As a mother, have you ever had a child approach you with an idea that sounded ok on the surface, but didn’t feel completely right after a closer look?  We live in a world that’s at times tricky to navigate.  -
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