Audrey Rindlisbacher Podcast

Audrey Rindlisbacher Podcast

Hosted by: Audrey Rindlisbacher

There is truth. We can learn it, live it, and be liberated by it. Join me and other truth seekers in a quest to have the truth make us free.

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EP 73: Mission Driven Stories: Calvin Coolidge

"Our talents are given us in order that we may serve ourselves and our fellowmen." ~Calvin Coolidge From a small town boy in Vermont to President of the U.S., Calvin Coolidge remained the same stalwart, honest,...
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EP 72: Communion and Communication

“Next to the blessed sacrament itself, your neighbor is the holiest object presented to your senses.” ~C.S. Lewis In reading The Problem of Pain, Audrey ran across a simple sentence that started her thinking along...
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EP 71: The Seven Laws Series: Law 1, Principle 3

“It is the most courageous act in this world to put God's will first in our lives - to listen to what our conscience is asking us to do.” ~Audrey Rindlisbacher  There are  important questions that have consumed the...
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EP 70: Feminism pt. 2: Women in Medieval Times pt. 2

“If every man in history had believed that women were inferior and should never be listened to, then these women would not have had the tremendous influence they did.” ~Audrey Rindlisbacher Julian of Norwich wrote the...
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EP 69: What Are You Leaning On?

“Lord, if you will show me the way, I will follow you. Amen.” ~Brother  Andrew Once there was a boy who grew up poor, uneducated, with a deaf father, an ill mother and a handicapped brother. This boy's life was full...
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EP 68: Mission Driven Stories: Dorothea Dix

“No mere acquisition of knowledge was of any value in her eyes in comparison with a longing to dedicate it to the service of humanity.” ~Francis Tiffany about Dorothea Dix Dorothea Dix was remarkable!  Despite being...
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EP 67: My Response to ‘The Secret’

In 2006, an unknown woman was instrumental in creating and releasing a little documentary titled "The Secret." Its fame grew rapidly through unconventional avenues until it achieved massive worldwide impact. Now, in...
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EP 66: The Seven Laws Series: Law 1, Principle 2

“As the rest of the world grew stranger, one thing became increasingly clear....our Bible was the center of an ever-widening circle of help and hope. Like waifs clustered around a blazing fire, we gathered about it,...
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EP 65: Feminism pt. 2: Women in Medieval Times pt. 1

“It is shortsighted to say that feminism is a Biblical problem or that it is predominantly a Western  problem.”  ~Audrey Rindlisbacher Although most women in medieval times did not have the opportunity to utilize all...
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EP 64: 10 Steps to Presenting Your Principles Persuasively

“If the conversation is worth having, it's worth doing right.” ~Audrey Rindlisbacher  We LOVE principles! We know they matter and we desperately want to share them with those we love. But... sharing principles can be...
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EP 63: Mission Driven Stories: Eric Liddell

“I believe that God made me for a purpose - to be a missionary in China. But He also made me fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure! ~Eric Liddell The incredible true story of Eric Liddell is one of overcoming...
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EP 62: The 7 Laws Series – Law 1, Principle 1

Do you ever wish you could figure out why you aren't as happy as you think you should be? Do you struggle with a sense of insecurity? Does social media make you feel inferior because, as a social mirror, you don't...
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