EP 102: Mission Driven Moms: Becky Rogers

“I'm 100% certain that Becky is called to Africa. And I am called to her.” ~Tom Rogers


Meet Becky Rogers, mother of 10, music major, and violin teacher. Although she used to live a typical American family life, through her vigilance in the 7 Laws of Life Mission, she prepared herself and eventually heard the call to become a passionate advocate for African women. She now lives full-time in Ghana. Since arriving three years ago, she and her husband have founded Family Literacy Centers in several African countries and are finishing up the first Family Restoration Center in Ghana.  


This week join Becky Rogers and Audrey Rindlisbacher as they explore Becky's journey. Learn about her childhood, her self-education and self-discovery, and the steps that led to her call to Africa. Be inspired by the courage and faith she and her husband exercised to get there. Best of all, listen to the miracles that are taking place as a result of the relationship she so vigilantly built with God. 


Listener's Guide:

Use the time stamps below to skip to any part of the podcast. 


1:15      Becky's Childhood

3:58     Family Culture and Priorities

6:26      Investing in Children

7:05     Religion and Music

9:09      Work Ethic and Discipline

10:31    Beginning a Family and Going Large

15:54    The Perfect Storm for Homeschooling

19:17    What to Teach

25:13    What Does God Need Me to Know?

33:17    Moving Towards Africa

46:55    "We could Always Move to Africa!"

50:12    Leaving the USA and God Links

54:42    Arrival in Ghana

1:00:39   Her Husband and the Greatest Blessing

1:02:14  The Story Refelcts the Outcome of Spiritual Preparation

1:06:09  The Projects in Ghana

1:18:01   The Objective of the Family Restoration Center

1:22:32   Safety and the Dog

1:25:55   How This Has Influenced Becky's Children


Quotes from this episode:

“If we moved to Ghana we would have to learn to live so radically differently that we would actually have time to be a family.” ~Tom Rogers

“We got an impression every day of two things to do and we didn't get the next piece until we did them.” ~Becky Rogers

“One day I prayed, "I'm totally good in the space of not knowing but if there is anything that is OK for us to know then that would also be cool.” ~Becky Rogers

“Sometimes the mercy is the not knowing.” ~Becky Rogers


“I'm 100% certain that Becky is called to Africa. And I am called to her.” ~Tom Rogers


“We are wholly dependent on the paycheck from God.” ~Becky rogers


Links from this episode:

FMF Family Literacy Center


Family Restoration Introduction